Payment Information
Diabetes Education is a covered benefit under most healthcare plans. Our program is contracted with many different plans as a provider . Many, but not all, plans consider the educational classes and one-on-one appointments a preventive benefit which is typically free to the patient. However, some insurances may require that the patient meet a deductible before the plan helps with payments.
In most instances we are able to determine if the class or one-on-one appointments with the educator are covered within the health insurance plan. If there is a medical deductible that needs to be met, the education will go toward the deductible. Some insurances may also require co-pays after the deductible is met.
It is the responsibility of the member to pay any remaining portion of the bill for the education that the insurance does not pay. For those with no insurance the total price for six hours of instruction plus one individual goal setting appointment is $225. If you are unable to pay the full amount at your appointment, a payment schedule may be setup to relieve any financial burden upon agreement between the diabetes center parties. We will work with you to make it possible so you can attend!
To recieve an estimate of the out-of-pocket cost, please contact us several days in advance to allow us to contact your insurance.
Covered IN-NETWORK insurances: Medicare, Humana, SelectHealth (IHC), Altius, EMI Health, DMBA, Aetna, Medicaid (upon insurance approval),
United Health Care (upon insurance approval)
Covered OUT-OF-NETWORK insurances: BCBS, PEHP, Cigna,
***Please note: If the member is self-referred, insurance billing cannot take place. In order to bill the insurance a signed referral from the primary physician must be recieved prior to the educational courses.***